martes, 17 de octubre de 2017

This is the story of two brothers

This is the story of two brothers
very ugly and love,
two beautiful sisters.
One night as
And the other as day.

The first brother was called Ben
He was shy and manipulable
But his heart screamed
For this woman the day
Your name: Ana.

The second was called Damien,
It was big but very quiet
And he was in love
Women as night ...
Your name: Kate.

They both knew what not to do,
They were so desperate to have them
They are giving whatever
To talk to them.

Everyone watched
So bad that looked
And it was so cruel mockery
Neither they wanted to leave home.
"There is always something that motivates me"
Damien said
And Ben agreed
"They are our daily smile."

There was something in his favor ...
They were rich and lucky,
They were poor and struggling
Being in different side.

What they did not know is that
Girls also viewed them.
Kate and Anna suffered
Because their hearts are divided.

They came up with an idea
To make them their wives.
"A great dance!"
They shouted them instantly.

And they gave the order
To invite all
A great bailete
With flowers bouquet.

Kate and Anna were hopeful,
But Damien and Ben more.
They are waiting all together
With long-awaited hunches.

Now it was the big day ...
The four were
With great joy.

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