miércoles, 31 de enero de 2018

Amore mio

Mi amor, mi alma
eso eres tú
y yo lo digo
con toda calma.

Mi amor, mi paz
porque eso eres
y es lo que tanto
tú me das.

Soy un ser vacío,
un ser solitario
que sin tu corazón
se queda vagando.

Mi amor, mi paciencia
un ser sin corazón
es como un ser
falto de conciencia.

Te necesito de guía
para esta aventurada misión
donde el riesgo
no existe para el corazón.

Mi amor, mi adiós
te despido diciéndote
con todo deseo:
"te amo con todo mi corazón".

viernes, 19 de enero de 2018


Las palabras más bellas
salen de este poema,
y quiero dedicarlo
a esta plaza entera.

Hoy en este día
se celebra un gran lenguaje
tanto como el inglés
este es nuestro español

Muchas gracias a aquellos
que se expresaron en una voz clara
y nos hacen sentir
orgullo de nuestro habla.

Gabo, Rulfo, Fuentes, Vargas ...
ellos son solo estudiantes
de un gran maestro
como lo fue Cervantes.

"El Quijote de La Mancha"
Expresa nuestras ideas,
ingenio y las cosas más bellas
de nuestra querida lengua.


The most beautiful words
come out of this poem,
and I want to dedicate it
this whole square.

Today on this day
a great language is celebrated
as much as the English
this is our Spanish.

Thank you very much to those
that were expressed in a clear voice
and make us feel
pride of our speech.

Gabo, Rulfo, Fuentes, Vargas ...
they are only students
of a big teacher
as was Cervantes.

"The Quixote of La Mancha"
Express our ideas,
wit and the most beautiful things
of our beloved language.

jueves, 18 de enero de 2018

You are myself

You are my soul,
you are my sun,
You are yourself
with your great love

You call yourself life
and you call me love,
but never again
we will call ourselves pain.

In your soul I see light,
In my soul you see color
and that means that you
You are going to be all my me.

In my body you see power,
In your body I see calm
and those two feelings
it takes us to a deep love.

Your voice, your being, your soul
they are the ones that tell me
With all sincerity
"I love you until the end of my soul."

miércoles, 17 de enero de 2018

How should I look at you?

How should I look at you?
With what eyes should I do it?
If you inspire hate
but at the same time love and passion.

What mysteries do you hide
behind that strange face?
What do you expect so much
which makes me write for love of you.

On the outside you are a monster
What is it that you hide inside
that attracts me so much
my beloved waiter?

My heart goes deep
in the deepest part of your being,
that beautiful look
It is the only thing I want to see.

sábado, 13 de enero de 2018

Nouvel An

I hope that in this new year
many good things come true,
make this country proud
and get out of bad those.

Let there be no more war,
that there is no more pain,
so that Colombia and the world
go ahead without frustration.

With an infinite joy,
what I hope is for peace and harmony,
I hope to say someday:

domingo, 7 de enero de 2018

Bienvenue dans votre maison!

Welcome to your home,
Welcome to the light
where your family receives you
with great virtue.

We are happy
because they arrived well.
You enjoyed, you smiled and you danced
as much as they could.

This poem
It is also a memory
of that magical and beautiful trip
and everything they saw so much.

Now a rest
of so much fantasy,
of so much magic that to you
the life to you made them arrive.

And no more words,
I only come to say:
Welcome to your home!


En las profundidades del Infierno, donde la oscuridad envolvía todo y los gritos de tormento llenaban el aire, habitaba un demonio llamado M...